Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

Listening *Make me a copy please : a projectin explaining and following direction

Description :
often time student are not able to communicating clearly what they would like to say. It is purpose of this lesson to help student understand to need to be articulate and precise when explain step to another student. In addition the student listening will learn to be a more affective listener.

GOAL : student will understand to need to be articulate when communicating.

1. The student will use descriptive eplication to guide another student in completing the task.
2. The student will explain the importance of being articulate and the frustration when directions are unclear

Background Information :
* This activity will teach student to explain what they see and guide another student in reproducing the drawing by what they are told.

CONCEPRS : student will able to :
1. Explain and articulate the steps to reproducing a drawing.
2. Follow directions as closely as possible.
3. Communicate with follow students to accomplish the given task


Advertisement is an information for persuading and motivating people so that they will attract to the service and the things that are offered or informed

1. Short, clear
2. advertise something :place,food, drink, things, service
3. interest layout
4. interest language
5. persuade lenguage

1. promotion
2. communication
3. information

selamat datang

I'm an ordinary girl

(●̮̮̃•̃) J●̮̮̮̮̃̃•̃̃L
/█\ ♥/█\
.lakukan lah yg semestinya dilakukan.

"Tuhan..,berikan aq kmampuan utk mngubah hal-hal yg snggup aq ubah, brikan aq ksabaran utk mnrima hal-hal yg tdk snggup aq ubah, dan brikan aq hikmat kbijaksanaan utk mmbedakan antara hal-hal yg snggup aq ubah dgn yg tdk snggup aq ubah."